Board of Directors
2023-2025 Board of Directors
The Arkansas Airport Operators Association (AAOA) serves the common interests of the owners, operators and users of the 91 public use airports located throughout the State of Arkansas. AAOA provides a unified voice for airport operators to State and Federal agencies, the General Assembly and the Congress of the United States of America, on proposed or pending legislation and regulations.
Judy McCutcheon
Boone County Regional Airport
Doug Hale
Pine Bluff Regional Airport
Michael Griffin
Fort Smith Regional Airport
Carri Campbell
Executive Secretary
Shaun Cookson
Air Carrier Representative
Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport
Jonathan Estes
Southwest Region Representative
South Arkansas Regional Airport
Wade Cothran
Northwest Region Representative
Northwest Arkansas National Airport
Bill Brothers
Southeast Region Representative
Helena West Helena Municpal Airport Thompson-Robbins Field
Stacy Hoggard
Northeast Region Representative
Walnut Ridge Regional Airport
Jacob Briley
Central Region Representative
Conway Regional Airport
Fred DiLibero
Corporate Member
Daniel Barnes
Corporate Member
McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Jordan Culver
Corporate Member
Jerry Chism, Director